Friday, October 26, 2012

Mathletics day 3

 At the moment my class has been doing mathletics. It is very fun.

This mathletics poster is going down a tunnel 
This is a design that I made up.

Mathletics Day 2

 Here are my first Mathletics posters that I have done.

My second design
My first design

Thursday, October 18, 2012


For our homework this week we had a challenge of. Record your reading (webcam/audio/video) and present it for blog. I really enjoyed it. I have made a voice thread about my book.  I chose the book called Wonder.

100 word challenge

This is the 100 word challenge. This week's (Week 6) prompt is (What is that?).
Here is the link to the blog

The weird thing
“What is that?” I curiously asked Olivia. “I haven't the foggiest idea Katrina, What kind of animal would wash up on Mahia Beach?” Olivia replied . “It looks like an animal eye of some sort”. “We should maybe hand it in to a animal research, so then they could research it.” “Well that’s so obvious Olivia, of course the research people would research the animal.”

Now we were  running to the animal research place. We handed the eye into the  animal research place. We handed our personal details in.  We found out it was an giant squid eye.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mathletics Day 1

Today we started Mathletics. It is heaps of fun. Here is a ShowMe that Casey and I about what we did in         mathletics today.
About a (ShowMe): ShowMe lets you create and share interactive lessons instantly. Download the ShowMe iPad app or visit