Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Last post of 2012

I am so sad to say this is the last post of 2012 at Parkvale School. But I will be back next year.
My favourite thing this year was Mountain Valley camp. I really loved it. My favourite thing at Mountain Valley camp was White water rafting. It was so so much fun and I really learnt heaps about white water rafting. Have a very Merry Christmas:)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Where was I going?

The family dog was having a walk and I was taking him when..... I saw this street that I had never been there before, this was strange. It might of been a pixie. Flett was drooling I think this meant time to go home. I went home and went tell Olivia can we go for a walk together. “I want to show you something” I said. I luckily remembered where the street was. That would have been a disaster.

I went to Mum and told her that we were going for a walk. Flett is very tired. Will be back in about half an hour. Dry spit was coming down my throat. The trees were forming shadows. It was getting dark.

Olivia and I were wandering down the street. I found the street that I had found  on the walk. It was a very cold night and my body was starting to shiver. Goosebumps were forming down my arms and legs. I told Olivia that I wanted to go home. They was no moon. It was pitch black. Olivia finally decided that it was time to go home. Liv and I ran home. While we your running I told her that I would show her tomorrow.  I had dinner and went to bed.

I woke up with a huge fright. I was wondering what would happen if we didn’t leave the street. Don’t worry about that type of stuff. In the morning I went  to Mum and asked her if she and Olivia could come on a walk with me. I was scared and that’s why I asked to bring Mum. We were finally made it to the road. We went done it for the. It was so beautiful. The tree’s were forming a tunnel. As they were grown on a diagonal. Down the end of the road there was a golden sunset. The wind was howling down the road and through the tree’s like the wind was a dragon. It was so pretty. Olivia, Mum and I were astonished and amazed. I couldn’t believe it. Then the street magically disappeared. It was sad that it went, but it made my day.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cat art

Today we did art it was very fun. It is based on the cat by Paul Klee. Here is a link to some other pieces of art by Paul Klee . Here are some instructions to draw this special cat.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Black Sticks playing India

On Saturday and Sunday the woman Black Sticks played India. They are playing tests with them in Napier, Palmy North also Wellington. On Saturday they won 7-2, on Sunday they won again the score was 3-1. The women played really well. I got some autographs.
Here is a photo of me and Charlotte Harrison and Olivia my sister:)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Refection on the triathlon

Today we did a triathlon. It was so much fun. I came seventh. Here are some photo's and a reflection about today.  

Reflection on the Triathlon

· Something I was pleased with was… I finished the triathlon.
because… It was hard work but fun  at the same time·

I really enjoyed … The swim
because…It was cold and I got brain freeze but it was the easy part of the triathlon.
· Something I found hard was… The running because.... My legs were all jelly from the swim and biking.

· Something that made me think was… Saving my energy. because… I didn't want to use it all up.

· Something I want to get better at is… Running.
         (What can I do about it?)
Practice running when I have some time to do it.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Very fast internet

I am so happy at the moment. We have UFI (ultra fast internet). All those days of reloading the page because it loaded too slow. All of the days when you couldn't type on Google docs or load your emails. It is all gone. Now you can open a you tab or website and it has loaded very fast. I like this because you can get more done.