Thursday, June 7, 2012

The spiders

Got this picture from Spider 

Page 4-5
Why do you think Michael hated spiders?
Because something bothered him with spiders.
Or a spider killed one of his family members.

Page 6-7
What does this mean [Scale the walls]?

  1. Try to get up
  2. Climb

Page 8-9
Clarify- Corpse
B: Dead body

Page 8-9
There are six spiders in the lounge. What Action and reaction might the author develop now?
The spiders might come and hurt Michael. Or have a funeral.

Page 10-11
A:Grieving attendants at a funeral

Page 10-11
Simile or metaphor?

Page 12-13
Is this a personification  
Think bushy webs that Determinedly stuck to his fingers.
Yes it is.

Page 14-15
Descriptive language
Mass of sticky gray
Densely clustered
Unused for hundreds of years not a couple of days
A thoughtful frown wrinkled his forehead

Page 16-17
Which words best describe the emotions Micheal might be feeling?

Page 18-19
C:Completely enclosed by cobwebs

Page 18-19
Why do you think Michael ate lunch by himself ?
Because he was scared that what his friends would think of him. Or what the spiders would do to him next.

Page 20-21
Their front legs were pointing at him in accusation?
For what he did killing the spider

Page 20-21
Action                                                        Reaction
He looked up and                                Shocked
Discovered the windows
covered with spider webs

He reached for the door handle            Scared  because a spider  was looking at him

Page 20-21
Simile or metaphor     
Spider’s webs  hanging like curtains
A simile

Page 22-23
B:Tedious and repetitive

Page 22-23
Imagery- the use of words by the writer to create a mind picture
Angry little pistons rising and stamping

Page 24-25
Compare and contrast- Michaels Emotions
Spider’s dancing        Mum at the door                
Terrified                       woke up
Guilty                             scared
Panic                               dream

Page 26-27
Michael was at home watching television while eating brownies. While a spider was climbing down its thread. Then Michael gets the spider and dropped it in a glass of water. Then he went to bed and the next day went horribly bad for Michael. Six spiders appeared and performed a strange dance around the dead spider. Then at school Michael ate lunch by himself. When Michael got home from school he discovered spiders webs everywhere. Next the spiders front legs began stamping. Michael's Mum woke him up from his dream. Then asked him questions about his day at school. Then when he saw any spiders he did not do anything to them!


  1. What an awesome reading post, Katrina!

    You have worked hard to clarify the vocabulary and answer the questions. I like your summary of the story at the end.

  2. Awesome post Katrina.
    I really am disturbed by that spider, it is just so scary don't you think.
    Great questions.
    Were the questions hard to think of?

    1. No it was not ever hard. Because the book had the questions in it!

  3. Awesome Katrina!
    I hate spiders.
    I would not want to meet that one.
    Well done!

  4. Wow Katrina, I loved reading this story when I was in the Seniors. I really like the way you have used evidence from the text to back up your answers. What a great example of comprehending a text well.

  5. Thank you for the comments

  6. That is so cool Katrina,
    I love how you have pitcher of a spider.
    My answers are kind of I like mine.
    What was your favourite about make the questions and then answering them?
