Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Why can I not go to Wellington

I would love to go to Wellington. I always have wanted to. I’ll give you reasons why. Well to start off with, it is the capital of New Zealand right? That’s since I can remember, well I think since I was born actually.

Secondly my Mum, Dad, sister Georgia has been with a school trip I think it is Olivia my twin sister and I turn. Well I guess Mum and Dad don’t take it too seriously because I have spoken to them I don’t know how many times that I would like to go to Wellington the capital of New Zealand. But it they don’t even care. But this is a very serious matter. I need them to let me go. But how?.

The very next day I come up with this glorious plan I can explain what I can do in Wellington

  1. Te Papa Museum
  2. The bee hive
  3. Parliament

But I am missing something very important going SHOPPING. Going shopping in Wellington looks like lots of fun lots of fun but of cause the money. Mum and Dad always saying “sorry too much money” or it is too expensive. So I guess it will be a NO!

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